Tuesday, 28 February 2012

Seven Day Bitch

It's been seven days since I had any savoury snacks, chocolate, sweets or fizzy drinks.  And while I'm not bug-eyed and shaking with withdrawal symptoms, I have spent most of today feeling a little peeved about it all.  Wah, wah, wah, I want some crisps.  But overall I'm feeling pretty good.  Like I have all of the balls in the air at the moment.  It's been a little while since I felt that way, so this is progress.  Whoop.  In other news, Murdoch is snoring.



  1. I have gone cold turkey over the last 7 days now. I read various chapters in Life: Keith Richards and it didn't say cold turkey would make me feel like this. I'm not peeved, I am on a serious downer but I know it is all worth it. Well done you!

    1. It's tough. Clearly Keith Richards never tried to stop eating crisps :)

  2. Hi, you haven't updated for a while. Hope all going well? Just four days to go for chocolate!

    How is Murdoch coping with Lent? :)

    Lesley x.

    1. I'm ok! Nearly there now and I'm really starting to want some crisps! But I know I can make it so it's all good. Murdoch is dealing with it all with his usual panache. By which I mean chomping on bones with gusto and then celebrating with a touch of wind. Bless him.

      Thanks for the nudge, will do a little blog post shortly x
